
Disaster Response Foundations

One-Day Course: 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM

Course LengthOne-Day Course: 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM
Class Calendar

Class Details

Disaster Response Foundations

Disasters are complicated settings that require a lot of coordination and cooperation. Many agencies respond – some are specifically invited and some spontaneously arrive. Disaster responders are usually highly trained and skilled in disaster response and ministry. Much of that training is provided specifically for disaster response by the agencies who respond. However, there are many groups and agencies who respond out of care and compassion, and they have no specific training that has prepared them for this unique experience. Their intentions are good, but good intentions are not enough. Both responders and agencies need to understand the nature of disasters and how emergency operation centers function. Who is in charge? Who gives them authority? How does the command structure operate? Who gets in behind the yellow tape? And who is responsible for all the volunteers who show up on scene? This course will fill in the blanks – give the participant a broad understanding of disasters and crises – how they operate and how the participant may be involved. There are national expectations and national guidelines for training, vetting, and responding. Everyone who responds to the disaster scene should be trained to integrate smoothly into the system in play.

What You'll Learn

  • A broad overview of disasters and crisis situations
  • The four phases of emergency management
  • The phases of disasters and crises
  • About national expectations
  • Guidelines for disaster spiritual care
  • Where to get resources for training, stress management, and other relevant topics
  • Create a strategic plan for your church, organization, or family to provide services
  • The basics of the Incident Command System